Friday, June 24, 2016

June 23rd

"Despite drizzles and downpours, we harvested, washed and delivered 48 lb.
of gorgeous veggies to the food bank today.

Many, many thanks to all who helped."


thanks Barb and Andrea for the delicious birthday dessert and all the good wishes....peggy

only a couple photos this day......

Sunday, June 19, 2016

June 16th

"We donated 43 lb. of lively fresh veggies to the food bank today..  Happy weekend everyone -"Barb

June 13th

a cool dry day for our work....very pleasant!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 9 2016

Happy Birthday Jerry!!

 "We donated 59 lb. of gorgeous fresh veggies to the food bank today." Barb

June 6 2016

my first day to Fran's beautiful farm....WOW ! so looking forward to the rest of this year of production.

June 2 2016

another great day.....33 lbs to food bank!!!